
History of Rodeo

About Rodeo

Rodeo is a locally grown internet service provider, born and raised in the PNW since 2010. Read on to hear our story.

See when, who, what, how by clicking on the words.

Founded in 2010


We started out in 2010 because where some of the employees from what used to be our parent company lived couldn’t be reached by quality internet providers… Face it, Eastern Washington is definitely the “wide open spaces’ that you always hear about. So we decided to build a small network so those folks could work from home. Our neighbors wanted some of that “internet” – so at first we just gave it to them. Then more and more wanted it… so we formed a company and started up right here in our own backyard. Since then, we got “spun off” to do our own thing and Rodeo became it’s own entity shortly thereafter because folks were clamoring for good in internet. We would put on 6-8 new homes in a single day back in those days. In our first month we had a handful of subscribers, by the year end it was several hundred.

Our Technology (ies!)


Rodeo started out as a wireless provider. Back in the day we used what was called “Fixed Point Wireless” operating in the 3.65 and 5Ghz radio spectrum. Speeds were sl-o-o-o-ow compared to today. And the antennas were … well… kinda funky. Over the years Rodeo has updated/upgraded/changed and added to their product offering in the wireless spectrum. Now Rodeo offers systems that are up to 20x faster than our original offering. And in April 2025, Rodeo’s wireless network is jumping to “light speed” as they say on Star Trek(tm) (c) (r) (and all the initials). In April 2025 Rodeo will be offering up to 1Gbps WIRELESSLY in select locations!

In addition to wireless, in 2020 Rodeo began offering FIBER Internet in certain parts of it’s coverage areas. That coverage area has grown and Rodeo now has the capability of doing fiber to homes and businesses across select areas of the PNW. This fiber optic service ranges from 100mbps to 1.2mbps and a planned upgrade in late 2025 will bring 10gbps service to it’s fiber residential networks and up to 1Gbps to our wireless customers. (Our business or commercial networks can already do 10Gbps!)

Who runs it?


To start with Rodeo is a local family owned business. We decided to get some paid actors doing stock video footage being happy to show off our staff. We don’t look like the people in video to the left. We are local folks that shop in the same grocery stores you do, get gas in the same places you do, go to church along side you and live in the same neighborhoods you do. We say that because we understand our customers because we are you. With some notable exceptions…

Our staff have built ISPs (internet service providers) around the globe. Not many companies can say that. By around the globe we mean Uganda, Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places, and we got started right here in the good old PNW. Not bad for a bunch of locals from around these parts….

Many of our staff are the very best technologists around, some are U.S. military veterans, others are folks we trained up and gave them skills which helped their families thrive. In every case though, our team is dedicated to bringing the very best we can, every day. We believe in the areas we serve, because we are from the areas we serve.

How did we get the name “Rodeo” ?

Our Name

They say that “branding is everything” in the marketing world. We are not too terribly creative when it comes to marketing… So maybe a couple of words about where the name came from.

When we were in our office after starting our fledgling ISP back in 2010, we were desperately hunting for a name for it. Names should be carefully selected, after long processes of focus groups, team collaboration and intense market testing.

Our name came from two things at once as a few of us were gathered on the company conference room stewing over a name for the new company: First, there was a local newspaper on the conference table with a headline touting the kickoff of the annual Rodeo in town. Second, the boss said “How do we tell folks ‘ this ain’t our first rodeo’ with regards to starting and running an ISP… ? We know what we are doing and its gonna be good! ” We blinked at each other a couple times and someone said “Let’s call it Rodeo”... and a name was born. Not a very “high tech” name, but it suits us. So we didn’t have any fancy marketing focus group or analysis team… it was just us trying to think of a name.

So much for focus groups and market studies. So because we are from here, and we are proud of our communities, we embraced it… that’s why you see our cowboy logo all over the place. Our vehicles have the logo, our orange work shirts, and even our caps… it’s all about Rodeo!