Time for the BIG MOVING SALE — March 15 and 16 at the OLD RODEO NETWORKS OFFICE! What the heck?! Yep, we are getting ready to move into our new offices, and with that we need to sell off a bunch of surplus office furniture, computer and networking equipment, odds and ends, construction materials, and MORE. Our new office is BRAND NEW and we have new stuff… so what do we do with the old? We sell it at a crazy discount. We have so much stuff to sell we created a webpage to tell you all about it: http://www.rodeointernet.com/moving-sale – We have soooo much stuff – Office desks, office supplies, routers, switches, servers, racks, TVs, printers, monitors, cables etc… it all has to GO! Check out the website – it’s coming up Saturday March 15 and 16 — check out the website page — It’s a heck of deal on a lot of geeky, nerdy, and office equipment STUFF… (we even have a set of snow tires with less than 2000 miles on them!) Sell it all the boss said… cuz’ we got all new stuff in our new offices!
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